Show of the Week: The Link Up - Black Squirrel Entertainment

Show of the Week: The Link Up

Every week of programming we will be highlighting the Black Squirrel Radio Show of the Week!
This week’s show is The Link Up!

The Link Up airs every Friday from 12PM-2PM and is co-hosted by Quaylyn Hairston and Myles Taylor.

Describe your show in a few words!
Quay and Myles: It’s a radio show showcasing hip-hop culture through music, fashion, art, and entertainment.

How long have you been with BSR?
Q&M: This is our first semester!

What are your majors/minors?
Q&M: (Q) Magazine Journalism, Writing Minor (M) Public Relations

What are some of your favorite artists?
Q&M: Travis Scott, Rihanna, Drake, Paper Paulk.

What do you do in your free time?
Q&M: Attend events and concerts, watch movies, and kick it.

Favorite BSR memory?
Q&M: Knowing we got a show together as a couple.

What do you hope your BSR legacy is?
Q&M: Best hip-hop radio show on campus!

Be sure to tune into The Link Up Fridays from 12PM to 2PM only on Black Squirrel Radio!