Show of the Week: The Benchwarmers - Black Squirrel Entertainment

Show of the Week: The Benchwarmers

Every week of programming we will be highlighting the Black Squirrel Radio Show of the Week!
This week’s show is The Benchwarmers!

The Benchwarmers airs every Tuesday from 6-8 PM and is co-hosted by Eric Pitcher and Reed Myers. The show is nonstop sports talk for two hours. From football to tennis and everything in-between, it’s all up for grabs with The Benchwarmers!

Describe your show and tell us how you came up with the concept for it!
Eric: Our show is just a recap and looking forward to sports. We have always loved sports and wanted to be involved in sports someway, somehow since we couldn’t play anything in college. Mainly because we weren’t good enough, hence the name The Benchwarmers.
Reed: Our show is a constant sports talk radio segment where we discuss upcoming games and summarize previous ones. We talk about almost every sport. Our whole lives, Eric and I have been dedicated to watching and playing sports and when we graduated high school, we wanted to carry on with our passion.

How long have you been with BSR?
Eric: 2 years
Reed: 3 semesters

What are your majors/minors?
Eric: Journalism & Business
Reed: Business Management

What are some of your favorite teams?
Eric: Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Cavs, Cleveland Browns, Ohio State Buckeyes
Reed: I’m a lifelong Steelers fan, I Love supporting the Cavs and Indians, and I’ll always be a Buckeye

What do you do in your free time?
Eric: Usually hanging out with friends, watching a sporting event or playing video games.
Reed: I love playing basketball at the rec and hanging out with ny roommates playing 2k.

If you could go back in time and see one game, what would it be and why?
Eric:The 1997 World Series Game 7
Reed: I’d want to go back and see a game I watched live for a second time, and that’s game 7 of the Finals where the Cavs ended their draught and won a Championship

Favorite BSR memory?
Eric: Being called Punting on The Third Down when our show name was Punting on Third Down
Reed: Winning a top 20 show Record at the Christmas party my freshman year

What do you hope your BSR legacy is?
Eric: That people actually remember our show when we are gone.
Reed: I just want to encourage other kids to come out and do whatever they love to do/ talk about on air

Who’s winning the World Series?
Eric:The Indians? Duh
Reed: The Indians! What kind of question is that?

Be sure to tune into The Benchwarers Tuesdays from 6pm to 8pm only on Black Squirrel Radio!