"Klaus" Is Going To Be Your New Favorite Animated Christmas Movie - Black Squirrel Entertainment

“Klaus” Is Going To Be Your New Favorite Animated Christmas Movie

Title: Klaus

Rating: 6 out of 5

Where to Watch: Netflix

Runtime: 97 minutes

*A spoiler-free review because I really want you to watch this!*

So far Netflix is two for two in original Christmas movies for me. Earlier this year I saw the teaser trailer for Netflix’s first animated feature film Klaus. I was already very excited for this movie but after watching it there was nothing about this movie I didn’t love.

Really. It happened.

If you’ve read my reviews before you know that even if I really like a movie and give it a 5 I usually have some sort of fine knit picky problem that could be solved by a logical problem. I have absolutely no complaints about Klaus. I think it stems from the fact that Netflix is truly utilizing Joan Cusack in a way I didn’t know I wanted but I’m really glad that they are.

look at this and tell me this and try to tell me this isn’t one of the most visually stunning movies out there source: youve-doomed-us-all-jerk via tumblr

The animation is truly stunning, to which the design team deserves all of the awards you can get for it. It’s not a style I usually like to watch but this is the exception. It’s smooth and flawless and beautifully crafted. There’s a scene about halfway through the movie where Zara Larsson’s Invisible and it was *chef’s kiss*.

The quick summary of Klaus is after proving himself to be the worst postman at the academy, Jesper is posted to a frozen town in the North where he discovers Santa Claus is hiding out.

The story is satisfying to me in so many ways. The first being it’s paced super well and doesn’t feel like a 90-minute movie. I was captivated by Klaus from the first seconds of the film and my attention did not leave the movie until the end.

ms. alva lemme talk to u source: prettyscar via tumblr

The character arc of Jesper and his change into a better person felt natural and not forced. Everything that happens to Jesper, both good and bad, is of his own doing and not by some sort of magical force. I adore how we can see the shift Jesper’s motivation, from inherently selfish to exponentially selfless.

look at this cutie pie source: Netflix

Each character was uniquely written and even the background characters had dimension. It was so clear to me to see the moving parts of the plot and how each character was a cog in it. Each design is unique to each character yet still filling in the overall feel of the movie.

Not that anyone asked but I would gladly lay down my life for Márgu just saying.

Me thinking about Márgu source: boujeegoblin via tumblr

I also thoroughly enjoyed finding out where all of these well-known facts about Santa originated from. These well-known facts about Santa truly are outlandish. I don’t want to spoil anything but the scene where Jesper explains the naughty list is pure comedic genius.

The ending of Klaus is one of my favorite endings in a movie probably ever AND it made me cry. Y’all ever cry over animated movies? No? Just me? Cool cool. I felt no desire for a sequel and everything is wrapped up real nice and in a bow for me. 

In case you were wondering, I am not a fan of loose endings.

Klaus is insanely funny and heartwarming. It’s a movie everyone in the family can enjoy. I know that I will be playing this for my family this Christmas and will soon be incorporating it into my regular rotations of Christmas movies. If you like “A Year Without a Santa Claus” you’re definitely going to enjoy Klaus.

Don’t believe me? Check out the trailer and let me know what you think if you watch the movie! Please watch this movie.


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