BSR Staff Playlist: Erik's "Breaking Open" - Black Squirrel Entertainment

BSR Staff Playlist: Erik’s “Breaking Open”

In an effort to have you get to know the staff at BSR and to always provide excellent music we’re featuring a different BSR staffer made playlist every week.

Article Coordinator Erik Svensson

Erik Svensson has been part of BSR for several years. He’s been a DJ with several different shows including “This is For the Outcasts” and his current program “Old College Try”. In addition to being a DJ Erik has also been a long time member of the BSR Web Staff and is an article coordinator for the station. He also works in the multimedia department and is one of the hosts of “Off The Record” BSR’s weekly music podcast.

Here is his description of his staff playlist: “Winter is my favorite season, but the transition into Spring is one of my favorite times of year to spend time outside again. The rain and the warm days return, and the snow melts into slush, and things start growing again. These are some of the songs I listen to walking in Kent in the gray days of early spring/late winter,” – Erik.


Enjoy and follow Black Squirrel Radio on Spotify for all the latest in our playlists!

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