7 Things I Will Miss About Kent State This Winter Break - Black Squirrel Entertainment

7 Things I Will Miss About Kent State This Winter Break

Finals week is creeping up on us–let’s not talk about it, right? In just about a week and a half, fall semester will officially be over and we’ll be heading home for a well-deserved month off. Personally, I’m looking forward to home-cooked meals, spending time with my family and shaving my legs in a shower that’s not made for an American Girl doll. 

But as excited as I am to be home, there’s a lot I’m going to miss about Kent State. KSU, consider this my homage to you: 

  1. The friendly attitude. 

I stand by the opinion that Kent State has one of the friendliest campus environments around. Everywhere I go, I feel so welcomed and safe! I’m going to miss that feeling when I’m shopping at my grocery store at home and the clerk won’t make eye contact with me. 

  1. The soft serve machine.

Chocolate and vanilla swirl. What else is there to say? 



  1. The Tri-Towers Rec. 

I have never felt so safe in a gym as I do at the Rec in Tri Towers. It’s like ladies hour EVERY hour! Plus, the employees are super nice, and whoever is on AUX is always working overtime. It’s truly a magical experience. 


  1. The ~outfits~. 

It feels like everyday is a fashion show at Kent State. Of course, this is to be expected due to the talent of the Fashion School, but even the non-fashion majors wear the cutest outfits around campus. And as someone who wears sweatpants on a daily basis, seeing people who actually know how to dress well is something I will truly miss. 


  1. The KSU YikYak Herd. 

I’ve been on both Akron and OSU YikYak, and let’s be clear: Kent State YikYak is superior and is guaranteed to make me laugh. I really don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day without reading updates from my fellow Kent Staters. 


  1. The campus squirrels!

I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure the campus squirrels are an effective replacement for serotonin. At least, they are for me. I once saw a squirrel holding an entire piece of pizza outside of the Quad. Campus squirrels, thank you for everything you are and everything you do. I will miss you dearly. 

  1. My friends. 

I had to save the best for last. Thanks to Kent State, I have made some of my best friends in the whole world. And as excited as I am to go home to my family this winter, I’m also going to miss the new family I’ve met along the way. 

Until the Spring, KSU. 

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