international Archives - Black Squirrel Entertainment


Alexander Search: The Marriage of Music with the Multiplicity of Being

The radio recording room is occupied by five mythical figures. Benjamin Cymbra, the singer, fills the silence with the sound of a breeze he simulates with his mouth and hands. Alexander Search: The Marriage of Music with the Multiplicity of Being

Grime music – The next British invasion?

Late last spring, while perusing YouTube, I stumbled upon the music video for “Shutdown” by Skepta. The song was unlike any recent hip-hop track I had heard- fast, aggressive, repetitive Grime music – The next British invasion?

Show of the Week: Studying Abroad with Subi

Every week of programing we will be highlighting the Black Squirrel Radio Show of the Week This week’s show is Studying Abroad with Subi   Studying Abroad with Subi airs Show of the Week: Studying Abroad with Subi