Indie Rock Archives - Black Squirrel Entertainment

Indie Rock

The Colonies Release New Single “Potomac”

The United States capital is home to many national treasures like the Smithsonian, the Washington Monument and the DC fave food spot &pizza. One hidden gem you may not know The Colonies Release New Single “Potomac”

Tink And The Lost Boys: Your New Favorite Band

In a cloud full of free music access, we each have that one band that is undeniably our favorite. But how we came to love the music is a story Tink And The Lost Boys: Your New Favorite Band

Jon Worthy & The Bends Are Coming To BSR

On Wednesday, July 31st, indie/folk rock band, Jon Worthy & the Bends, will be in the studio for an interview. Coupled with the interview, the group plans to perform three Jon Worthy & The Bends Are Coming To BSR

J*A*K*E & The Crystal Skulls Live at Hive Mind (7/18/19)

They’re energetic. They’re playful. They’re groovy. J*A*K*E & The Crystal Skulls are an indie, surf rock band that encapsulates the warmness of the west coast. Spearheaded by the tender vocals J*A*K*E & The Crystal Skulls Live at Hive Mind (7/18/19)